Little Miracles
Little Miracles is a poetic exploration of place, pain, and parking lots. The collection explores a myriad of human emotions through the eyes of a young woman who is fiercely dedicated to where she comes from, all while trying to figure out where she’s going.
Published by Black Moss Press
“Little Miracles is an ode to the unacknowledged, the thoughts that linger unaddressed in our collective minds. Victoria Butler runs us through the gamut of human emotion, but not without her down-to-earth and lived-in tonality. In this collection, Butler negotiates the difficult space between intention and outcome: “I see someone longing to be good, wondering/ Why there is hurt where she has planted love,” and the inevitable disillusionment of growing up: “my mother insisted god’s glorious creations could never be/ less than extraordinary.” Little Miracles makes space for the overwhelming weight of memory and how nostalgia colours the present—“I will always be the place that I came from.” At once geographically precise and remarkably open-ended, Butler will make you want to move back to your hometown, tie up loose ends, and cultivate an unshakeable sense of belonging.”
—Elena Senechal-Becker
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